Kick ?em:
Kick ?em Up is an Addictive Hand-Eye coordination Addictive Game.
Kick ?em - Multiplayer Grid ( Gin ) is a popular and brand new two player game based on the hit UK based TV show game. Identical to the show, players take turns in choosing squares on the grid which increase or decrease their cash balance. The player who finishes with most cash wins the game.
Just click under the ball and continue clicking under the ball to keep the ball up in the air without dropping it. Points are awarded for each sequence of kicks (i.e. the number of times you keep the ball in the air without it touching the ground). For example, if you keep the ball in the air for 10 kicks without letting it touch the ground, then your score for that sequence of kicks is 10 X 10, which totals 100 points for that sequence.
Scoring in this game is based on the continous kicking sequences without letting the ball touch the ground. The more times you kick the ball in the air without letting it touch the ground, the higher your score for that sequence of kicks. A Kick'Em Up round is 2 minutes and the scoring for sequential kicks.